Click here to download 10/27/2019 Fr. Ryan Hilderbrand – Christ the King


Epistle: Colossians 1: 12-20

Brethren, giving thanks to God our Father for making us fit to share the light which saints inherit,


for rescuing us from the power of darkness, and transferring us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.


In whom, in his blood, we find the redemption that sets us free from our sins.
He is the true likeness of the God we cannot see; his is that first birth which precedes every act of creation.
Yes, in him all created things took their being, heavenly and earthly, visible and invisible; what are thrones and dominions, what are princedoms and powers? They were all created through him and in him;
he takes precedency of all, and in him all subsist.
He too is that head whose body is the Church; it begins with him, since his was the first birth out of death; thus in every way the primacy was to become his.
It was God’s good pleasure to let all completeness dwell in him,
and through him to win back all things, whether on earth or in heaven, into union with himself, making peace with them through his blood, shed on the cross.
In Christ Jesus our Lord.


Gospel: John 18: 33-37

At that time, Pilot asked Jesus; Art thou the king of the Jews?
Dost thou say this of thy own accord, Jesus answered, or is it what others have told thee of me?
And Pilate answered, Am I a Jew? It is thy own nation, and its chief priests, who have given thee up to me. What offence hast thou committed?
My kingdom, said Jesus, does not belong to this world. If my kingdom were one which belonged to this world, my servants would be fighting, to prevent my falling into the hands of the Jews; but no, my kingdom does not take its origin here.
Thou art a king, then? Pilate asked. And Jesus answered, It is thy own lips that have called me a king. What I was born for, what I came into the world for, is to bear witness of the truth. Whoever belongs to the truth, listens to my voice.