(October 11 – The External Solemnity of the Maternity of Mary)

Click here to download 10/13/2019 Fr. Ryan Hilderbrand – Maternity of Mary


Epistle: Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 24:23-31

No vine ever yielded fruit so fragrant; the enjoyment of honour and riches is the fruit I bear.
It is I that give birth to all noble loving, all reverence, all true knowledge, and the holy gift of hope.
From me comes every grace of faithful observance, from me all promise of life and vigour.
Hither turn your steps, all you that have learned to long for me; take your fill of the increase I yield.
Never was honey so sweet as the influence I inspire, never honey-comb as the gift I bring;
mine is a renown that endures, age after age.
Eat of this fruit, and you will yet hunger for more; drink of this wine, and your thirst for it is still unquenched.
He who listens to me will never be disappointed; he who lives by me will do no wrong;
he who reads my lesson aright will find in it life eternal.



Gospel: Luke 2:43-51


At that time, they set about their return home. But the boy Jesus, unknown to his parents, continued his stay in Jerusalem.
And they, thinking that he was among their travelling companions, had gone a whole day’s journey before they made enquiry for him among their kinsfolk and acquaintances.
When they could not find him, they made their way back to Jerusalem in search of him,
and it was only after three days that they found him. He was sitting in the temple, in the midst of those who taught there, listening to them and asking them questions;
and all those who heard him were in amazement at his quick understanding and at the answers he gave.
Seeing him there, they were full of wonder, and his mother said to him, My Son, why hast thou treated us so? Think, what anguish of mind thy father and I have endured, searching for thee.
But he asked them, What reason had you to search for me? Could you not tell that I must needs be in the place which belongs to my Father?
These words which he spoke to them were beyond their understanding;
but he went down with them on their journey to Nazareth, and lived there in subjection to them …