Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost

Click here to download 11/3/2019 Fr. Ryan Hilderbrand – Forgiveness 


Epistle: Ephesians 6: 10-17 


10 I have no more to say, brethren, except this; draw your strength from the Lord, from that mastery which his power supplies.

11 You must wear all the weapons in God’s armoury, if you would find strength to resist the cunning of the devil.

12 It is not against flesh and blood that we enter the lists; we have to do with princedoms and powers, with those who have mastery of the world in these dark days, with malign influences in an order higher than ours.

13 Take up all God’s armour, then; so you will be able to stand your ground when the evil time comes, and be found still on your feet, when all the task is over.

14 Stand fast, your loins girt with truth, the breastplate of justice fitted on,

15 and your feet shod in readiness to publish the gospel of peace.

16 With all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fire-tipped arrows of your wicked enemy;

17 make the helmet of salvation your own, and the sword of the spirit, God’s word.


Gospel: Matthew 18:23-35


At that time Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples.

23 Here is an image of the kingdom of heaven; there was a king who resolved to enter into a reckoning with his servants,

24 and had scarcely begun the reckoning, when one was brought before him who was ten thousand talents in his debt.

25 He had no means of making payment; whereupon his master gave orders that he should be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and so the debt should be paid.

26 With that the servant fell at his feet and said, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee in full.

27 And his master, moved with pity for him, let the servant go and discharged him of the debt.

28 So the servant went out, and met with a fellow servant of his, who owed him a hundred pieces of silver; whereupon he caught hold of him and took him by the throat, and said, Pay all thou owest me.

29 His fellow servant went down on his knees in entreaty; Have patience with me, he said, and I will pay thee in full.

30 But the other refused; he went away and committed him to prison for such time as the debt was unpaid.

31 The rest of the servants were full of indignation when they saw this done, and went in to tell their master what had happened.

32 And so he was summoned by his master, who said to him, I remitted all that debt of thine, thou wicked servant, at thy entreaty;

33 was it not thy duty to have mercy on thy fellow servant, as I had mercy on thee?

34 And his master, in anger, gave him over to be tortured until the debt was paid.

35 It is thus that my heavenly Father will deal with you, if brother does not forgive brother with all his heart.