Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

Click here to download 8/11/19, Fr. Ryan Hilderbrand – Mercy and Justice


Epistle: 1 Corinthians 10: 6-13

6 It is we that were foreshadowed in these events. We were not to set our hearts, as some of them set their hearts, on forbidden things.

7 You were not to turn idolatrous, as some of them did; so we read, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to take their pleasure.

8 We were not to commit fornication, as some of them committed fornication, when twenty-three thousand of them were killed in one day.

9 We were not to try the patience of Christ, as some of them tried it, the men who were slain by the serpents;

10 nor were you to complain, as some of them complained, till the destroying angel slew them.

11 When all this happened to them, it was a symbol; the record of it was written as a warning to us, in whom history has reached its fulfillment;

12 and it means that he who thinks he stands firmly should beware of a fall.

13 I pray that no temptation may come upon you that is beyond man’s strength. Not that God will play you false; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond your powers. With the temptation itself, he will ordain the issue of it, and enable you to hold your own.

Gospel: Luke 19:41-46

41 At that time when Jesus drew near, he caught sight of Jerusalem, and wept over it, and said:

42 Ah, if thou too couldst understand, above all in this day that is granted thee, the ways that can bring thee peace! As it is, they are hidden from thy sight.

43 The days will come upon thee when thy enemies will fence thee round about, and encircle thee, and press thee hard on every side,

44 and bring down in ruin both thee and thy children that are in thee, not leaving one stone of thee upon another; and all because thou didst not recognize the time of my visitation.

45 Then he went into the temple, and began driving out those who sold and bought there;

46 It is written, he told them, My house is a house of prayer; and you have made it into a den of thieves.

47 And he taught in the temple daily.