Eight Sunday After Pentecost

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Epistle: Romans 8:12-17

12 Brethren, nature has no longer any claim upon us, that we should live a life of nature.

13 If you live a life of nature, you are marked out for death; if you mortify the ways of nature through the power of the Spirit, you will have life.

14 Those who follow the leading of God’s Spirit are all God’s sons;

15 the spirit you have now received is not, as of old, a spirit of slavery, to govern you by fear; it is the spirit of adoption, which makes us cry out, Abba, Father.

16 The Spirit himself thus assures our spirit, that we are children of God;

17 and if we are his children, then we are his heirs too; heirs of God, sharing the inheritance of Christ; only we must share his sufferings, if we are to share his glory.

Gospel: Luke 16: 1-9

1 At that time, Jesus told his disciples the following parable,  There was a rich man that had a steward, and a report came to him that this steward had wasted his goods.

2 Whereupon he sent for him, and said to him, What is this that I hear of thee? Give an account of thy stewardship, for thou canst not be my steward any longer.

3 At this, the steward said to himself, What am I to do, now that my master is taking my stewardship away from me? I have no strength to dig; I would be ashamed to beg for alms.

4 I see what I must do, so as to be welcomed into men’s houses when I am dismissed from my stewardship.

5 Then he summoned his master’s debtors one by one; and he said to the first, How much is it that thou owest my master?

6 A hundred measures of oil, he said; and he told him, Here is thy bill; quick, sit down and write it as fifty.

7 Then he said to a second, And thou, how much dost thou owe? A hundred quarters of wheat, he said; and he told him, Here is thy bill, write it as eighty.

8 And this knavish steward was commended by his master for his prudence in what he had done; for indeed, the children of this world are more prudent after their own fashion than the children of the light.

9 And my counsel to you is, make use of your base wealth to win yourselves friends, who, when you leave it behind, will welcome you into eternal habitations.